Walked 60 mins
Simple and Sinister
– 10×10 20kg two-handed swings
– 10×1 20kg get-ups
Read: Tiny Habits (mostly, but also opened Atomic Habits and some random ebooks)
Watched: Cobra Kai (episode 2)
Listened: Didn’t listen to anything this morning
Okay so this past weekend we played Codenames. We’re not good at it so it was ambitious to try to get 2 or 3 words to connect. Definite stretches. Which is what I’m going to do now trying to connect what I read with what I watched.
A little bit of morning writing practice…
Cobra Kai has Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso as adults. Summary: both of them live in the past and are tied to their high school identities. Because it’s a show, the characters are going to evolve episode by episode. Not in a single moment.
What identities are YOU stuck to??? Are there any you want to change???
You don’t change it in a single moment. You might watch a Jocko motivational video, get to bed early, set the alarm on your T66801, and finally get up early for your workout. But that doesn’t make you a morning person.
If you do it the 2nd day, 7th day, and 50th day, then you’ve changed your identity. But it’s slow and over time.
If you want to be a better writer, or anything, remember that you become the noun by doing the verb.
If you want to be a faster writer, you’ll want to practice by writing fast every day.
Having a sensei can help. Even if your sensei is a free PDF.
(Was on wax off until tomorrow!!!)