A lesson from Iron Man: Remember that you’ll go through a cave
Okay so after 11 years, everyone comes through the portal and it’s the greatest live theater moment in decades.
But it all started with a bang. The first scene of Iron Man has Tony Stark riding in a truck that explodes. Then he’s locked in a cave.
You’re going to need to work through a cave at some point in your creative work.
Shaan Puri, host of My First Million and just one of my all around favorite internet people, often talks about the importance of mindset. With some experience, he learned one of the most important things when starting a new business (but this can be applied to your creative work too).
There’s going to be a plateau.
It’s like being in that cave. Tony Stark was able to get out of it without preparing beforehand because he’s a generational genius and could MacGyver right outta there.
You’re not a generational genius.
So you’ll just need to remember that, with any project, you’ll probably start off with a bang. The enthusiasm is there. But you’ll need to go through the cave. The plateau.
If you know it’s coming, you can prepare for it.
If you don’t, you might never leave the cave and go on to save the entire MCU. (Or at least come back to write your next page.)