I’m reading The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan sheath and they talk about the first day on the job.
What was your first day like at your current (or most recent) job? Is it fair to say that it was not a defining moment?
It got me thinking about my different first days. Some are way better than others. At my first job in New York I definitely had the situation described in the book. I pretty much set up my computer and that was all I had to do. None of that “you’ll be pushing code to production by the end of your first day!” business.
It reminded me of an episode of the Scriptnotes podcast: 317 First Day on the Job. In my attempt to make a not-bad podcast with Wally, I’ve listened to a lot of other, much better podcasts. Some I listen to and think oh ok someday we can get to that.
Scriptnotes is excellent. I know we won’t get to their level and that’s fine. They have so much knowledge about filmmaking. I’m glad they’re sharing it with the world. This is one of those podcasts that makes me happy that podcasts are free, for the most part. I just started paying for their premium version ($2 a month) to dig into the archives.
I’m more interested in writing in general than I am in film. If you like writing or film or hearing about the inner workings of Hollywood, you should listen to Scriptnotes.
Oh yah, that specific episode. They break down different ‘first day on the job’ scenes. Most of them make the first day seem like a rush of overwhelm. One scene they go over is from The Devil Wears Prada. That’s how I felt the first day I worked at Subway. My first day at a fashion company was more like, well, setting up my computer and heading home early.