I took a kettlebell class today. I thought it’d be good to just start sharing some notes. Actually I mostly want to write these down so I remember them. If they add up over time, great.
Here was the rough program as far as I can remember:
- Deadlifts 3×10
- Rack hold walk, 3 push presses per side, 3 rounds
- Swings, 1 minute
- Push-ups
- Farmers walk with uneven bells
- Squats 5, 3 reverse lunges per side
- Heavy bell hold 1 min, 3 rounds
With various planks in between some exercises. I definitely didn’t remember it all exactly but I hope I captured some of it.
Here are a few things the coach corrected me on.
- Swings: exhale at the bottom—I was exhaling at the top of the swing but you should exhale when starting the movement.
- Rack hold walk: hold kettlebell below collar bone—I was holding the kettlebell too low.
- Heavy bell hold: don’t focus on grip and forearms—pay attention to tightening the rest of your body. Flex your glutes, keep your shoulders back, engage your traps.
That’s that! I also joined and will be trying to focus more on kettlebell training this year. Along with something else that starts with “ket-“. You guessed it. (And if you didn’t, it involves lots of fat.)