Some Creative Pages will turn into full posts. This one seems like a pretty good outline for a full post.
I’ve been reading about writing again. After listening to a bunch of Psychotactics stuff I’ve started reading content by a few copywriters. I started with The Brain Audit by Sean D’Souza (who makes Psychotactics) then I got Everybody Writes and Content Rules by Anne Handley.
I’ve been thinking about how to write things that help other people. It’s better in a lot of cases to be direct with the reader. Too often, I write about how I’ve tried applying things. Which is useful as part of a post, but it should only be a part of it. If it’s going to be useful, the directives should be clear.
This year, I’ve continued reading about happiness. I’ve seen some common themes between books and wanted to boil that down to a few steps. Your day-in day-out activities mean a lot more than some random goal.
For example, if your random goal is to own a Ferrari, at least make sure you drive it when you get it.
Here are some steps to picking your daily activities:
- Write down all of your activities
- Put them in buckets
- In each bucket, rank the activities against each other
- Schedule the top activities
- Purge the bottom activities
My full post would detail these steps with incredible stories to make them sticky.
First, I need to become a better writer.