Quick post before heading to the gym.
In light of my last post, I thought it’d be good to pick a topic and try to focus on it for a month. A month is pretty short but it’s also a good amount of time to focus on a single topic.
I’m taking some inspiration from what Matt Ragland did with his Ship 30 for 30 essays. He did the 30 essays during the cohort (which is the hardest part, I imagine) and then compiled them, revised, formatted them nicely, and started selling the collection as an eBook along with a video course to accompany it.
30 short essays on a single topic is good amount of time being a curious novice. You’ll, at the very least, be 30 days ahead of someone just starting out. You can guide them.
So that’s what I’ll try for July, but on this blog. Which, of course, goes against the whole thing Ship 30 for 30 is about. (Lesson 1: Don’t start a blog. Write on public platforms first.)
Oh yeah, so fat loss. Why?
This is a little bit of just-in-time learning. I’ve been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for 5 years. I think it’d be helpful for me to get very focused on it, including in things I read and write about.
I have been tracking things in my Road to 159 tag but, you might notice, the numbers haven’t been moving down very quickly.
First book quote I’ll share, from Fat Loss Happens on Mondays by Dan John and Josh Hillis:
Your two most important ‘workouts’ each week are— Journal Review, Meal Planning, and Shopping for Food Preparing, Cooking, and Portioning Food
It’s a great book that helps reframe time you’re allotting to a fat loss goal. If you have an hour 5 days a week, you can be tempted to do 5 one hour workouts. But if you’re not explicitly setting time aside for your food journal and for food prep then you’re not going to get results.
Dirty bulks can be effective. Dirty cuts… not so much.