Well, I have my midpoint dark night of the soul.
- 10-chins
- 164 lbs
- 1000 YT subs
I’m writing this on the 28th, but let’s see…
Goal: 10-chins — Actual: a double chin
Couldn’t resist. Actual is more like 6 or 7. The last pyramid I did was 5,4,3,3,2. In hindsight, I set this goal without knowing what my base was to start. I thought it was already at 5 but it was more like 3.
And a hard 3 reps, at that.
What went well: Using Pavel’s fighter pull-up program. Pretty much daily pyramids. It worked like a charm. When I did it.
What didn’t go well: Skipped 5 days during a road trip. I definitely could have found a chin-up bar somewhere in the area or gone to a playground. But I didn’t.
What to try next: Next time I go on a road trip I’ll take my door bar with me.
- December 2021 updated goal: 11 reps
Goal: 164 lbs (-8 lbs) — Actual: 172 lbs (-0 lbs)
What went well: Maybe a small victory in not completely blowing it during a taco filled road trip.
What didn’t go well: I mean, the same thing where I do well and then blow it on the weekends.
What to try next: Bringing the extreme rule back. The no holds barred, Iron Man, submission only rule of: one pound of broccoli daily.
- December 2021 updated goal: 164 lbs
Goal: 1000 subscribers — Actual: 689 subscribers
What went well: I did upload four videos. So the creation was there.
What didn’t go well: I didn’t share the videos anywhere even though I could have at least mentioned them on Twitter or done a thread version. I also could have done some iPad and MacOS things.
What to try next: Maybe a video like “turning my Home Screen into a goals dashboard” with Things, Drafts, Shortcuts, and Readwise.
- December 2021 updated goal: 1000 subscribers
Let’s go. The reason I’m writing this post is because I do want to make a goals video. And I was trying to think “where could I write the outline so that I remember to make a video later?”
Blog posts should be my default intermediate packet. All the other notes apps are ambiguous as far as whether I’m writing privately or publicly.
The blog is low friction and, importantly, obviously public.